Thursday, March 3, 2011


Most of the times school is pretty cool cause you get to learn new stuff ,made new friends and chill with your buddies during class or lunch break which is an hour and fifteen minutes. My first period is pretty fun cause i have lots of my friends in it and we just get to chill and play sports everyday basically except when we have health which is pretty boring cause we just listen to the teacher tell us random stuff about our bodies. My second period is math and math is my favorite subject so its a sick class cause i have my brother in it and many of my friends too , also we have a sick teacher Mr.Khan hes a funny teacher to have he makes the class more fun and when he picks on people its pretty hilarious what he says. My third period is lunch is just relax and chill with my friends. My fourth period is religion its not a bad course but with our teacher Ms.Bereza its a chilling class cause we get to watch movie's only if we do our homework which we mostly do. My last period of the day is computers its a sick class to take , you get to learn a bunch of stuff that is pretty cool to use and the teacher Mr.Chiarelli is a sick teacher to have.

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